Year Six
A very warm welcome to Year 6!
Our Year 6 Class teacher's are Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Tate. Other adults who will work in Year 6 are Mrs. Roberts.
We are very much looking forward to watching you learn and grow throughout your final year with us here at Farington Primary School, becoming more confident and ready to take that next step into high school life. We hope you will have lots of fun as well as making the best possible progress along the way.
Our PE days will be on Tuesdays and Wednesday so please wear your PE kits to school on these days.
Please encourage your child/children with their home reading and talk with them about the stories they are reading and the characters that they may come across.
Keep a look out for photos of our learning and fun on our class page and social media.

Art - Photography
Year 6 are loving the photography unit of Art this half term. They got out and about around our school grounds to put their macro photography skills to the test.
Science - Classification
Our current Science topic is Classification. Our Year 6s have become experts at classifying many living things based on their similarities and differences.
Year 6 Golf lessons
We have been enjoying our weekly golf lessons in Year 6. The children have been learning a wide range of skills and focusing on developing their aim and accuracy.
Cultural Week - Japan
In year 6, we have enjoyed learning all about the country and culture of Japan. We have explored the art work, traditions, food and music and even enjoyed making and trying our very own sushi.
Year 6 looked at traditional Japanese art and studied the symbols that are displayed in it. Symbols such as traditional Japanese architecture, cherry blossom, mountains and the red orb to symbolise the sun and new starts. We then created our own Japanese paintings.
We learnt about how Japan write Haiku poems, which can only be made up of 17 syllables and structured into 3 lines. They are usually written about nature or animals. We created our own based on animals, linked to our Science topic.
First Aid
Year 6 enjoyed their first aid course. They learned new skills on how to deliver first aid in a variety of emergency situations including how to check for ABC, put a patient into the recovery position, administer life-saving CPR, how to use a defibrillator and how to help when someone is choking.
Year 6 have enjoyed Bikeability. They have been taught all the checks they need to carry out to ensure they and their bikes are safe and ready for the road. They have all impressed us with the progress they have made and how confident, yet safe they have been whilst out on the local roads.
STEM Week in Year 6 – World War II Engineering!
Year 6 had an exciting STEM Week linking their learning to their World War II history topic! We explored the science behind tanks and parachutes, investigating their design, durability, and resistance.
First, we studied how tanks were built for different terrains, then tested materials to create our own models. We also explored air resistance by designing and making parachutes, experimenting with different materials and sizes to see which ones landed the slowest and safest. We tested their durability and resistance by dropping them from different heights and over various surfaces—just like real wartime engineers!
It was a fantastic week of history, science, and hands-on experimentation. 🎖️🪂🔬