Curriculum statement


Curriculum Intent


At Farington Primary School, we strive to provide a safe, stable, enriching and stimulating learning environment. We promote valuing and respecting each other, providing outstanding role models for our children to aspire to. We place great emphasis on developing confidence, independence, and high self-esteem. We also provide opportunities for all children and members of our school community to achieve academically, physically, creatively, and socially and develop resilience.
The curriculum is designed to ensure that our children reach the highest standards in English and Mathematics, building upon children’s previous learning to develop knowledge, skills and understanding through practical, first-hand learning experiences and opportunities.
Our children are eager to learn general knowledge and everyday basic skills which will provide them with a solid basis to grow into confident, independent adults who have the capability to succeed in whichever path in life they choose. It is important to us that our children are encouraged and supported to become confident, motivated, and aspirational learners – developing lifelong learning skills such as resilience, risk-taking, reflection and respect for themselves and others. It is important that they become socially and emotionally aware in order to develop positive collaborative working relationships with others.
Our aim is to ensure that every child recognises, understands, and appreciates their place in their local community and the wider world and that they can show responsibility for, and take pride in, making their own valuable contributions to this. A wide range of communication and presentation skills are vital for all of our children in order to be able to express themselves appropriately and effectively. In an ever-changing world we aspire to enable our children to have a growth mind set and to be at the forefront of change for the better. We aim to develop confidence and inspiration to dream big; desire and determination to chase those dreams and passion and persistence to succeed.

Our curriculum has been designed with the views of parents, children, governors, and staff considered. It recognises the unique and special nature of our pupils who come from a wide range of backgrounds. The curriculum seeks to provide a range of experiences that will inspire and excite children to improve. This involves an engaging, varied curriculum, which includes experiences that many of our pupils may not have had, such as residentials, work with authors, a broad range of sporting activities, educational visits and opportunities to learn about other religions and cultures. We also provide a curriculum that ensures that pupils leave with additional skills, so that they become good citizens. E.g. Financial Management, First Aid, Links with schools aboard and an awareness of wider social issues, such as Fairtrade and environmental awareness. Our curriculum and the delivery of it meets the needs of our children and we, as a school, strive to adapt this accordingly for maximum effect. This is an ongoing process that is designed to meet the needs of each of our children.

Implementation – To achieve all of the above…


  • Parents, staff, and governors will work in partnership to support a broad and balanced curriculum, which meets the needs of each child’s progress and attainment. All stakeholders must have the highest expectations, whilst recognising that children develop and progress at different rates.
  • A great focus will be placed upon the development of strong English and Mathematics skills both discreetly and within the wider curriculum using high quality texts, resources and practical experiences to inspire children in their learning. An emphasis on understanding children’s prior learning also underpins planning and delivery.
  • Our ethos will inspire and promote high quality education, and strive to equip our children intellectually, emotionally, and physically to develop their inner self-confidence and knowledge. We will support every child in working to reach their own individual potential, whatever that may be, to develop all their skills needed to succeed on the next path of their lifelong learning journey.
  • Our nurturing ethos remains continually at our core, with its existence supportively promoting positive self-image, behaviour, tolerance, respect, and a secure sense of belonging. It is this belief that shapes and guides the strong foundations of our school’s committed and caring relationships.
  • We will insist upon good manners, tolerance, and respect of others through core British values. We will work in close partnership with staff, parents, and our local community to create a nurturing school.
  • We assess children’s knowledge throughout each subject and carefully support each other to verify judgements to ensure that they are consistent.
  • Monitoring will be throughout the year to gauge the impact of the curriculum that we deliver. We check knowledge carefully to ensure pupils are on track to reach age-related expectations. We plan lessons based on children’s prior learning, revisit knowledge where necessary and give pupils opportunities to retrieve and reuse the knowledge that they have learnt.

Impact – Why choose Farington Primary School?

  • Our wide-ranging curriculum will inspires and motivates children to learn, through development of key skills and attitudes, equipping pupils for life in modern Britain. Through our curriculum entitlement, we provide access to real-life experiences in order to deepen knowledge and understanding by building on previous learning.
  • Our children will be equipped with a high standard of skills in English and Mathematics, driven by vocabulary development and real-life contexts/experiences.
  • We will do our utmost to provide every child with the support, nurture and guidance needed to meet their individual goals and targets, thereby raising their aspirations and self-belief.
  • We will grow independent and resilient children in their learning and personal development, fostering a ‘can do’ attitude. We will develop a sense of pride in the achievements of self and others.
  • We audit and review our curriculum frequently, ensuring that we always have a curriculum that meets the needs of our children.
  • We provide a supportive approach for all of our teachers that enables their wellbeing and professional growth to develop. This in turn ensures that children receive effective teaching on a daily basis.

Our Curriculum Overview Documents expand further on how and what our curriculum entails. Please see the separate tabs for further information.