Fast (Farington Breakfast & After School Club)
Morning: 7:45am – 8:45am
Afternoon: 3:05pm – 6pm
Timings of our school Day:
Reception to Year 6 – school day is 8:55am – 3:05pm (6 hours and 10 minutes per day)
Doors open at 8:45 will registers being taken at 8:55am each morning.
Gates will be open from 8:35 each morning.
Reception and KS1 (Years 1 & 2) children will enter with parents through the KS1 gate. Teachers will come to the doors at 8:45am and be available to parents for 10 minutes as the children enter the classrooms and begin their morning tasks.
KS2 (Years 3-6) children will enter independently through the KS2 gate, and the doors will open at 8:45am. Mr Williams (Headteacher) will be on duty each morning on the KS2 entrance. Morning tasks begin at 8:45am.
The gates will lock promptly (By the site supervisor Mr M Booth) at 9am, as the first lesson will have begun.
At this point, if you are late arriving, you will need to bring your child through the main office entrance doors, where you will be greeted by our office team (Mrs A Hampson and Mrs R Worthington) and the Headteacher (Mr A Williams) who will discuss the reasons for your lateness with you.
Arrival at or after 8:55am will be LATE and children will receive an ‘L’ in the register.
Arrival at or after 9:25am will be an UNAUTHORISED ABSENCE and children will receive a ‘U’ in their register.
End of the school day:
Both pedestrian gates will be unlocked at 3:00pm and parents can make their way on to the playgrounds where children will be released at 3:05pm and matched up with awaiting adults. Parents will be able to move freely between playgrounds and gates.
As always, Year 5 and 6 children will be allowed to walk home alone, as long as we have had this confirmed by parents.